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Maintaining the Seriously Dashboard

seriously digital entertainment web development unity google cloud platform

During my time developing the company’s web-based dashboard at Seriously, I worked closely with the player support team to create a tool that would assist them in managing player resources and game state. The tool was also used by quality assurance and programmers to test and debug various features, as well as by data analysts to view game analytics. As the only developer on the project, I am proud of what I was able to accomplish, and the features I developed were well received by the player support specialists and the rest of the company.

The tool was a React-based web application, which I migrated from JavaScript to TypeScript to improve its reliability. In addition to developing the frontend, I also needed to create Unity scripts to export game-related data that could be used to configure the web tooling.

One of the key features I implemented was the ability for the tool to be configured on the fly through the web interface itself. This was a significant improvement over the previous system, which required the tool to be updated and deployed each time there was a game update. With the new system, the player support team and others could quickly and easily make changes to the tool as needed, without having to wait for a deployment.

The tool was a valuable resource for the entire company, and the feedback I received from the player support team and others was extremely positive. I believe the tool helped to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s player support operations, and I am glad to have played a part in its development.