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Player Support at Seriously

seriously digital entertainment player support

As a player support specialist at Seriously Digital Entertainment, I was responsible for providing support to players of the company’s mobile games. This involved using tools like ZenDesk and the internal admin dashboard to access player data and modify game states and resources as needed. I also played a key role in identifying and flagging bugs, and forwarding improvement ideas to the game teams.

While working in this position, I spent my free time learning programming in both Unity and JavaScript coupled with React. This was because both of these technologies were used extensively at the company, and I was eager to improve my skills in order to advance my career and become a programmer there. Thankfully, my efforts paid off and I was eventually able to make the transition from player support specialist to programmer.

Working at Seriously Digital Entertainment was a great experience for me. Not only did I get to work with some amazing people, but I also had the opportunity to learn new skills and grow my career. I’m grateful for the time I spent there and the things I learned while working at the company.